
Professor Julie Prebel
Professor, American Studies; Director of Writing Center
B.A., UC Berkeley; M.A., Cal State San Francisco; Ph.D., University of Washington
Department Chair, Interdisciplinary Writing & American Studies
Appointed In
Swan 323
Tuesdays 3:30-4:30 (drop-in only); Wednesdays 2:00-4:00 (appointment only; email for calendar link)

Julie Prebel is Professor of American Studies and Director of the Writing Center.

She teaches all of the department’s required courses and those in her areas of specialization in gender and sexuality studies, film and media studies, and nineteenth-century studies. She has published widely in the field of composition-rhetoric, including a co-authored and edited volume Disruptive Stories: Amplifying Voices from the Writing Center Margins (2024), and in American Studies journals such as American Literature.

Selected Courses:

  • Feminist Rhetorics and Social Change
  • Discipline and Desire: The History of Sexuality in the U.S.
  • Captivity, Carcerality, Unfreedom: Abolitionist Rhetorics

Selected Articles:

  • “White Femininity and the Black Female Gaze: Internalized Oppression in The Bluest Eye.” In Inequality, ed. Kimberly Drake. Grey House Publishing, August 2018.
  • “Engaging a ‘Pedagogy of Discomfort’: Emotion as Critical Inquiry in Community Based Writing Courses.” Composition Forum: Special Issue “Emotion in Composition.” Volume 34: Summer 2016.
  • “Paranoia: A Defense Against Patriarchy in Charlotte Perkins Gilman’s ‘The Yellow Wall-Paper’.” InCritical Insights: Literature of Fear and Paranoia, ed., Kimberly Drake. Grey House Publishing. December 2016.
  • “Writing Center Support for International Students.” Academic Exchange Quarterly 19.4 (Winter) 2015.
  • Confessions in the Writing Center: Disclosures of Sexual Trauma in the Era of Mandatory Reporting.” WLN: A Journal of Writing Center Scholarship. Issue 40: 3-4, Nov-Dec 2015.
  • “Head Bumps to Brain Scans: A Visual Rhetorical History of Scientific Surveillant Looking.” Enculturation: A Journal of Rhetoric, Writing, and Culture. Issue 19, July 2015.