
Courses for the marine biology emphasis:

Bio105 - Marine Biology

This course will be an introductory survey of marine organisms and their environment. It will cover fishes, invertebrates, mammals, reptiles and algae. Included will be an investigation of behavior, ecology, adaptations, and environmental relationships to humans. An emphasis will be placed on forms common to California. Includes one 3-hour lab period per week and field trips will be included during the laboratory period. (Labs may take longer than the scheduled laboratory period to accommodate field trips.)

Bio260 - Biodiversity and Organization of Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems

Introduction to marine and terrestrial ecosystems and the physical and biological attributes contributing to their organization. This course will focus in alternating years on either the marine environment of the Southern California Bight or the terrestrial environment of Southern California. It will introduce basic physical attributes and the organisms of these dynamic ecosystems. Students will learn how to collect data in field and laboratory settings, conduct basic analyses and produce graphics. This course will serve to prepare students for focused upper division courses and independent research. Labs may take longer than the scheduled lab period to accommodate field trips. Includes one three-hour laboratory session per week. Prerequisites: Biology 105, 106, or 115, or permission of the instructor.

Bio268 - Biostatistics

The application of statistical methods to the solution of biological problems. Focus will be on applied statistics (as opposed to mathematical statistics) to study variation in nature. This biometry course will survey descriptive statistics, probability and probability distributions, and methods of hypothesis testing (e.g., analysis of variance, regression, correlation, goodness of fit, as well as selected nonparametric procedures). Course includes laboratory workshop sessions to be arranged. Prerequisite: Any 100-level Biology course except Bio 103, or permission of instructor.

Bio344 - Invertebrate Morphology and Physiology

The structure and functional organization of animal-like protists and invertebrates are examined as adaptations to life in specific habitats. The current use of these organisms in applied systems such as aquaculture and as models to study basic biological processes are discussed. Marine organisms and parasites are emphasized. The phylogenetic relationships between taxa are also debated. Includes one three-hour laboratory per week plus two hours arranged. Prerequisites: Biology 105 or 115, and 130 or permission of instructor.

Bio344L - Invertebrate Morphology Laboratory

Field and laboratory exercises designed to 1) further expose students to invertebrate diversity, 2) examine and experiment with physiological processes such as locomotion, nutrient allocation, excretion, sensory function, and reproduction, 3) introduce parasite life cycles and parasite-host interactions, and 4) understand animal relationships based on morphological and molecular evidence. Co-requisite: Biology 323. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis only.
1 unit

Bio356-556 - The Biology of Marine Fishes

The biology of marine fishes begins with a study of the phylogenetic evolution of fishes. Within this context it discusses the physiology, ecology and behavior of marine fishes utilizing examples from our local fauna. Advanced methods of studying marine fishes will be covered with an emphasis on field research in which the class will visit various marine habitats throughout southern California. Includes one three-hour laboratory per week. (Labs may take longer than the scheduled laboratory period to accommodate field trips.) Prerequisite: Biology 105, 106, 110, OR 115 or permission of instructor.

Bio356L - Marine Fishes Laboratory

Laboratory techniques in marine fishes. Co-requisite: Biology 356. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis only.
1 unit

Bio369-569 - Biological Oceanography

Biological oceanography will focus on the biology of the open ocean with emphasis placed on relating parameters of the physical-chemical ocean to the distribution and abundance of marine organisms. We will focus on understanding the physical and biological processes of the southern California marine area using field and laboratory techniques. Using examples from our local ecosystem, students will explore the intricacies of macro scale oceanographic processes. Includes one three-hour laboratory per week. (Labs may take longer than the scheduled laboratory period to accommodate field trips.) Prerequisite: Biology 260 or permission of instructor.

Bio369L - Oceanography Laboratory

Laboratory techniques in oceanography. Co-requisite: Biology 369. Graded on a Credit/No Credit basis only.
1 unit

Bio395 - Research in Biology

Research for approximately five hours per week for students to study in an area not otherwise included in the departmental curriculum. Prerequisite: permission of instructor and approval of department.
2 or 4 units

Geo245 - Earth's Climate: Past and Future

An introduction to Earth's climate system and the geological record of its change. Topics covered include: Earth's radiative balance and the role of greenhouse gases; poleward transport of heat by the atmosphere and ocean; climate change on the plate tectonic timescale; the Cenozoic cooling; astronomical control of Pleistocene glacial cycles; rapid millennial-scale climate change; and the future of Earth's climate. Includes one 3-hour laboratory per week. Prerequisite: Geology 105 or permission of instructor.

Contact Marine Biology
Bioscience Building